CATLINK Scooper Luxury Pro Litter Box

The Most Advanced Smart Self-Cleaning Litter Box

Catlink Scooper Luxury Pro

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CATLINK Scooper Young Litter Robot

Automatic Self-Cleaning Litter Box

Catlink Scooper Young

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CATLINK Scooper SE Litter Robot

The Perfect Smart Litter Box For Smaller Living Spaces

Catlink Scooper SE

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Say Hello To Our Catlink Scooper Family

Catlink New Zealand Catlink Scooper Luxury Pro and Ramp Bundle Litter Box

Catlink Scooper Luxury Pro

The Scooper Luxury Pro is the ultimate smart litter box, equipped with the latest and most advanced set of safety features and odour controls.

CATLINK Scooper Young - No Frills Automatic Self Cleaning Cat Litter Robot

Catlink Scooper Young

The Scooper Young self-cleaning litter box detects each time your cat visits and automatically cleans up afterwards. Plug it in and it's ready to work.

Catlink New Zealand Catlink Scooper SE Litter Box

Catlink Scooper SE

The Scooper SE automatic litter box is loaded with technology. With built in app support, you can monitor all the vital information straight from your phone.

CATLINK Automatic Self Cleaning Litter Robot

Catlink's Smart Sensor System

We Prioritise Your Cat's Safety

At the heart of each litter robot is a combination of smart sensors that work together to keep your cat safe while the litter box does its job. Every Catlink litter box comes with built-in sensors that are always on alert.

Explore Our Safety Features


Litter Boxes Sold World Wide


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Explore the Latest CATLINK Automatic Self Cleaning Litter Robot for Cats


Explore the Latest Catlink Automatic Self-Cleaning Litter Box for Cats

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Our Catlink Scooper Litter Boxes are truly tried and tested by hundreds of thousands of happy cats and cat owners across the world!

Hopefully we can answer some of your general questions in our FAQs. Otherwise please contact us with any specific questions.

CATLINK Scooper Litter Robot Accessories

Ramp for Catlink Scooper Luxury Pro / Young

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Accessories for CATLINK Automatic Self Cleaning Litter Robot


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Catlink Scooper Litter Box

Why Catlink Automatic Litter Boxes Are One of the Safest on the Market

Let’s break down exactly why Catlink's litter robots are different and why they’re some of the safest on the market.

Catlink New Zealand

Experience Catlink at the 2024 Auckland Pet Expo

Catlink New Zealand is excited to be part of the Auckland Pet Expo 2024, showcasing the latest in automatic cat litter robots at stall number 123.

Catlink Luxury Pro vs Litter Robot - Which Is Best?

Catlink Luxury Pro vs Litter Robot - Which Is Best?

We compare two leading models of automatic self-cleaning cat litter robots by Catlink and Litter Robot. Both offer advanced features, but which one is the better choice for you?