How to look after your Catlink Scooper self-cleaning litter box?

CATLINK Scooper Young automatic cat litter box

A self-cleaning litter box needs specific care to ensure it runs at peak performance. While the Catlink Scooper litter box doesn’t demand extensive upkeep, there are a few regular maintenance tasks you’ll need to become familiar with.

Let's Start With The Basics, Emptying The Waste Compartment

After every cleaning cycle, your cat’s waste is sifted into the waste storage compartment. You will need to regularly check and empty the waste bag when it's full and replace the waste bag. The waste bag is designed to holds up to 15 days worth of cat waste for one regular-sized cat, depending on their litter box habits.

Therefore, those with one cat will only need to empty the drawer once every couple of weeks. We do recommend to empty the waste bag more frequently during warmer months. If you have two cats sharing the litter box, you’ll likely need to do this more frequently.

Emptying the waste compartment couldn’t be easier. Simply pull out the drawer, remove the trash bag with its contents, and then replace it with a new liner before closing things back up. All done! 

Next, Checking Litter Levels And Topping It Up

One thing automatic litter boxes have yet to do is automatically top up the litter! However, ensuring the litter bed is appropriately full doesn’t take much effort overall.

Thanks to the thorough cleaning of the horizontal raking system, only dirty litter is removed. This means all unused granules remain in the litter tray. While manual scooping can often be difficult in terms of separating the good from the not-so-good, automatic litter boxes are specifically designed to rake through and preserve clean litter.

If you have just one cat using the litter box, you’ll only need to top up the litter once or twice a week at most. For convenience, we suggest at least checking the litter levels whenever you empty the waste drawer during the week.

There are "min" and "max" lines on the inside of the box, showing you how much litter to pour in and maintain. It’s vital to follow these markers as filling above the max line can be potentially wasteful as the extra cat litter may be dumped out at the next cleaning cycle. It can also make your cat more prone to kicking litter out of the box, increasing the chance of tracking and mess outside of the litter box.

Deep Cleaning The Unit

Aside from the small regular maintenance tasks, you will need to deep clean your Catlink Scooper litter box now and again. Most cat owners deep clean their unit every 2-6 weeks, depending on their cat’s litter box behaviour. If your kitty doesn’t make too much of a mess, it should be sufficient to deep clean every 5 or 6 weeks.

To clean the unit, you first need to disassemble it. But don’t worry, this couldn’t be simpler and only takes about 60 seconds. If it’s your first time taking the Catlink Scooper litter box apart, check out Catlink's official Youtube videos with step by step instructions on how to safely disassemble your litter box.

How To Clean The Parts

The good news is you don’t need any special cleaning products for this one. We recommend washing all these parts with mild soap and water only. Of course, if there is cat waste on any piece, it’s best to spray and wipe it with disinfectant to remove all bacteria and keep things safe.

It’s vital to note that the base of the Catlink Scooper litter box is NOT washable. However, if it’s dirty, you can gently clean it with wipes. Be careful when doing this, as the base contains the engine and the motor. If these components get wet, they could stop working entirely.

Wait until the parts are thoroughly dry before reassembling the Catlink Scooper litter box to ensure no moisture gets into any of the small cracks and crevices. Putting the unit back together is just as trouble-free as taking it apart; simply reverse the disassembly steps.

Changing The Litter

Whenever you deep clean the Catlink Scooper litter box, you should also empty and throw away the old litter and refill it with fresh granules. There is really no need to do this any more than once every month or two, so keep it simple for yourself and combine these two maintenance tasks into one cleaning day.

Other Ways To Ensure Proper Care For Your Catlink Scooper Litter Box

To preserve your automatic litter box’s lifespan and prevent any problems, only use clumping cat litter. Moreover, the Catlink Scooper litter box works best with fast and hard-clumping cat litters with smaller particles. Put your unit on a firm and flat surface. This is because the cleaning function relies on the four gravity sensors on the bottom of the unit. We find it best to put the box on hard flooring such as wood or tiles rather than carpet. If you have to put it on the carpet, we recommend placing a hard mat underneath. Whenever you add litter or move the unit, unplug the power plug for five seconds and then plug it back in to re-activate the automatic self-cleaning function.

All Sorted!

Your Catlink Scooper litter box comes with a 12-month warranty in the event of any issues that may arise. Keeping a close eye on the functionality and upkeep of your unit will ensure you're getting the best experience you can with your new Catlink Scooper litter box!

Proper care will prevent technical issues from happening and increase your unit’s lifespan, allowing you the peace of mind of a reliable clean for years to come.

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